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【児童ポルノ法】U-15グラビア過激化 9歳のTバックアイドル登場【提供罪の恐怖】【単純所持規制の恐怖】

U-15グラビア過激化 9歳のTバックアイドル登場



「9歳のTバックアイドル」にはネット上でも批判の声が上がっている 数々の「U-15」作品を販売している心交社から、「めるてぃプリン」と題されたタレント朝水れいさんの写真集とDVDが発売された。Tバックを全面にアピールした作品だが、そんな姿をしているのは9歳の少女である。しかも、ひもビキニといった大胆な水着姿をしたり、はては微笑みながら大きく脚を広げた姿まで披露されている。

「U-15」のアイドルが Tバック姿をさらす写真集やDVDは空前のブームになっている。ブームの火付け役となったのが「元祖U-15」とも言われる泉明日香さん(14)。大胆な水着姿やTバック姿が話題を呼んだ。さらに2007年3月8日のJ-CASTニュースでも紹介した中井ゆかりさんをはじめ、「U-15」のTバックアイドルが次々に登場した。


「U-15」については、週刊文春(2月25日号)が「『小中学生Tバック写真集』が300万部 娘をハダカにして稼ぐバカ親たち」と題した記事を掲載。「社会問題」として取り上げ、批判した。さらに、メーカーのぶんか社も「U-15」アイドルのDVD発売を中止し、自主規制を始めた。そのような「逆風」のなかでもなお、「U-15」アイドルの水着写真集やDVDの発売はとどまることを知らない。










山口) 一般的に言えば、「該当する可能性がある」としか言えません。児童ポルノ法第2条3項3号は「衣服の全部又は一部を着けない児童の姿態であって性欲を興奮させ又は刺激するものを視覚により認識することができる方法により描写したもの」と曖昧な表現をしていますから、個別的な判断をするしかありません。

記者) なるほど、それでは、実物をご覧頂いてご意見を伺わせて頂けますでしょうか。(と言いつつ、カバンの中から紙封筒に入った写真集?を取り出そうとする)

山口) ちょっと、待って下さい。それを出すのは止めて欲しいのですが。

記者) (手を止めて)何故ですか?

山口) 2004年の法改正で「提供罪」というのが新設されました。児童ポルノ法の第7条1項です。「提供」というのは、「特定かつ少数の者に対する提供行為も含みます。従前の『頒布』行為が不特定又は多数人に該当することを意味しているよりも、処罰範囲が広いのです。」

記者) ???

山口) 要するに、あなたの持っているその写真集の中に「児童ポルノ」と言える写真が含まれていた場合、それを僕に見せた記者さんも「提供罪」に問われるということです。

記者) えっ?!そうなんですか。

山口) そうです。児童ポルノを他人に見せたり、渡したりするだけで、「提供罪」は成立します。ついでに言えば、「提供する」目的で所持すること自体が犯罪ですから、その写真集が「児童ポルノ」だとすると、記者さんは、それを僕に見せる目的でここまでお持ちになった、それだけで、既に犯罪者なのです。

記者) ・・・・。

山口) ここに来られる前に、取材の企画の打ち合わせをされましたね。

記者) はい。

山口) 同僚やデスクにもこの写真集を見せましたね。

記者) それは、勿論。(心配そうに)「提供罪」に該当するのですか?

山口) それは、そうでしょう。だって、他人に見せている訳ですから。警察が、編集部の家宅捜索をすることも出来るかも知れませんね。

記者) でも、私は、これが「児童ポルノ」だとは知らなかった訳です。「故意」がないのではないですか。

山口) よく勉強されていますね。しかしながら、この場合、子どものいやらしい写真が含まれている写真集だ、という程度の認識があれば故意は成立してしまうのです。

記者) それでは、児童ポルノの問題に関する取材は出来ないじゃありませんか。

山口) 「提供」どころか、単に所持しているだけで、罪にしようという議論すらありますよ。「単純所持罪」を制定しようという意見は、特に自民党に根強いようですから。要するに、「児童ポルノ」を「覚せい剤」のような、禁制品にしてしまおうというのです。

記者) でも、何が児童ポルノかは曖昧なのですね。

山口) 最高裁判所の判例によれば、十分に明確だそうですが、最終的には摘発する当局と裁判所の判断ということになります。グレーゾーンについては、弁護士でも確固たる判断は難しいですね。

記者) 覚せい剤かどうかは、化学的な反応とかで明確に分かりますよね。

山口) 児童ポルノの場合は、データも含まれますからね。添付ファイルか何かで送り付けられる可能性もあるし、知らない間にパソコンのキャッシュに残ってしまう可能性もある。

記者) 単純所持が出来たら、それこそ、取材は出来なくなりますね。

山口) 摘発された児童ポルノに関する取材は特に難しくなるでしょう。警察により、どのようなものが児童ポルノとして摘発されたのか、また、捜査そのものの妥当性に関する取材、報道は出来なくなるのではないですか。

記者) 確かに。一体、どのようなものが「児童ポルノ」に該当するのか、国民は報道を通じて知る方法がなくなりますね。

山口) 取材をして、仮に摘発されてしまった場合、刑法35条の正当業務行為に該当するから、違法性が阻却される(罪にはならない)と言って、徹底的に法廷で争う方法もあると思います。新しい判例を作るつもりで、戦う覚悟で取材されれば、いいじゃないですか。 

記者) 家族のことを考えると・・・・。別のテーマを探します。今日はお忙しい中、ありがとうございました(記者、帰る)。

私が理事を務めるNGO団体AMIが、2003年6月23日に発表した「『児童買春児童ポルノ禁止法』改正への要望書」をご参照頂きたいと思います。おそらく、この問題に関しては最も整理されている文章の一つではないかと自負しております。特に、3 単純所持罪/単純製造罪の問題点をご参照いただければ幸いです。




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松沢知事はエコノミストの記事を読んだのでしょうか? ☆☆☆
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子ども守る条例の要旨公開 奈良県警、ホームページで
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個人情報を見ず知らずの人に教えちゃダメよ ☆☆☆
ネット有害情報を阻止 都が青少年条例改正へ  ☆☆☆

カスパル代表 近藤美津枝氏の発言から表現の自由を考える② ←児童ポルノ法とマンガ/アニメ規制についてまとまっています。
カスパル代表 近藤美津枝氏の発言から表現の自由を考える①


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Posted by: Chmleszergy | August 22, 2017 12:51 AM

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Posted by: jhleszergy | August 22, 2017 01:23 AM

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Posted by: diegoTab | August 23, 2017 03:16 PM

Kamelhud ger oss ganska tufft material som kommer med naturlig efterbehandling. Vildkamelmaterial 盲r mer avancerat 盲n andra typer eftersom dessa djur har 盲rr i kroppen. Den 枚verraskande saken 盲r att dessa 盲rr l盲ker naturligt sluta r枚ka. Hud som tas ut fr氓n kamelens 枚vergripande kropp. Den vanliga anv盲ndningen av det h盲r l盲der 盲r inom tillverkning av sportskor f枚r m盲nnen. [url=http://www.hslpt.net]http://www.hslpt.net[/url] Air Max 1 (盲ven k盲nd som Max 87) presenterades f枚rsta g氓ngen 1987, den allra f枚rsta billiga nike-skor. I 氓rtionden hade Max alla luftkuddarna m盲rkbara med h盲len, ofta utformade den exakta l枚pskorna en omedelbar klassiker. Max 1 枚verdelarna var i grunden tillverkade av nylonv盲v plus syntetisk mocka, men l盲derstilen producerades efter 氓r. N盲r vi kown, f枚redrar dessutom en l枚pskor lansering en l枚parskor f枚r m盲n och kvinnor. Snygg springk盲nsla f枚r alla medan du b盲r en topp. [url=http://www.008080.net]http://www.008080.net[/url] Air Max LTD noterades 2002, de flesta m盲nniskor tyckte om det enkla s盲ttet. Air Max LTD 盲r fortfarande ett popul盲rt par tr盲nare. Att anv盲nda l盲ngre och mer prestanda skor kan spela b盲ttre. Nike Air Max LTD har lanserat en tv氓 generation till m盲nniskor ' S egna personliga krav. [url=http://www.lanren77.net]http://www.lanren77.net[/url] Genom att f枚lja p氓 fr氓n de f氓 stegen kan du l盲ra dig hur man framg氓ngsrikt kan k枚pa atletiska skor online med samma f枚rtroende att k枚pa atletiska skor i traditionell butik. Nuvarande 氓r, handla online gradvis vara popul盲r. Ett v盲xande antal individer som gillar att k枚pa bra via internet. Ta mig exemplet, jag k枚per ofta b枚cker och kl盲der i n盲tet. Fr氓n den f枚rsta varaktigheten av shpping online till en erfaren kund ser jag att handla online som en uppenbar och vanlig aff盲r nu. Jag kommer fortfarande ih氓g min nerv枚s och upphetsad vid f枚rsta 氓lderen av att shoppa f枚r. [url=http://www.ag94.net]http://www.ag94.net[/url] Notebook Nike Air Max tillbaka ett 氓r tillbaka i Back to varsity Pack fr氓n Nike f枚r 2009. Men det finns flera sm氓 skillnader innehavare av en annan modell inom linjen. Yr modellen p氓 den b盲rbara datorn har anv盲nts p氓 Nike Air Max Wright ist盲llet f枚r Air Max CL som anv盲ndes under det senaste 氓ret. Designen 盲r ocks氓 vit och bl氓, j盲mf枚rt med f枚rra 氓ret i gr氓skala vit. Dess trevliga att best盲mma Nike har best盲mt sig f枚r att anv盲nda en vit / bl氓 f盲rgv盲g i detta fall, den b盲rbara designen som erbjuder barn en annan typ av val av lila Nike Dunks p氓 b盲rbar dator ser den andra dagen. [url=http://www.387183.net]viktminskning piller[/url] Running 盲r den sak du beh枚ver g枚ra under den l氓nga v盲rdefulla tiden. Att k枚pa ett par rabatterade varaktiga Nike-luftskor 盲r en l氓ngsiktig investering. Att ha s氓dana skor, kan du undvika on枚diga kostnader tillsammans med sl枚seri med sv氓ra f枚rtj盲nta resurser. Designer billiga air max produceras f枚r att h氓lla en stark h氓llbarhet. Det 盲r anledningen till varf枚r du kan k枚pa ett par k盲nda m盲rkesskor. [url=http://www.hmxlex.net]http://www.hmxlex.net[/url] Oavsett hur en kvinna b盲r vad hon b盲r p氓 f枚tterna best盲mmer ofta om dina 枚gon 盲r tr氓kiga eller imponera. Ingen vet eller bryr sig vad Cinderella bollkappa syntes av alla minns Air Max, men hennes glas tofflor. K盲nsla av magiska tofflor som fruktansv盲rt har varit n氓gon. ..

Posted by: Charpszergy | August 25, 2017 06:44 PM

Jag kan forts盲tta, som 360.000 videor och dopes precis som att jag ska ladda upp till YouTube, som g盲ller Nike. Hej, de annonserar inte webbplatsen. Vi g枚r det f枚r dessa individer. Vi g枚r detta genom att erbjuda v氓ra nya nike air max 90 och ladda ner videor av oss som f枚rs枚ker att du vill g枚ra v氓r Jordaniens impersonation. 脜h, jag 盲r ledsen f枚r den h盲r generationen Lebron Billy. Hej, jag vill ha en bankroll. Kanske kan de anv盲nda en marknadsf枚rare f枚r att hj盲lpa deras konstverk. [url=http://www.73307.xuxbt.net/]http://www.73307.xuxbt.net/[/url] Det finns anv盲ndare att komma med n氓gra problem om inte riktigt borttagande. Det finns lite brett p氓 framsidan av dina skor, dessutom kan t氓rna ha mycket utrymme. Du kan ha mycket bra h盲nsyn till funktionerna och priserna p氓 skor. [url=http://www.04989.cylyl.net/]http://www.04989.cylyl.net/[/url] Kanske kan k盲nna sig f枚rbryllad att varf枚r s氓 m氓nga m盲nniskor 盲r s氓 galena f枚r Nike. Egentligen finns det m氓nga olika sk盲l. Enligt min mening, verkligen n氓got om m盲nniskor som i global recession, pris kan vara den prim盲ra faktorn som folk k盲nner igen. Nike Designer AirMax 盲r inte dyrt f枚r de flesta personer. K枚pet 盲r s氓 rimligt att alla har r氓d med det. Personer kommer inte att tveka att k枚pa dessa tennisskor. [url=http://www.48499.xjzsgc.net/]http://www.48499.xjzsgc.net/[/url] Men vi har bara b枚rjat. En person g氓r inte 枚ver till Alexa, Alexa rank 盲r ungef盲r 1200 precis som detta redaktionellt. Det betyder att endast cirka 1 200 platser har en st枚rre plats. Jag undrar om dessa Internet-marknadsf枚rare har en av dessa webbplatser? Om ja, kanske kan de prata s氓 gott som de kommer att se en Nike-sak eller tv氓. 脜 andra sidan kan en person just nu s盲kert jag inte var en av Dessa webbplatser. S氓 jag tror inte att jag ska g氓 i styrelsen Nike och vara medveten om hur man hanterar sin handel. [url=http://www.59265.0800hg.net/]http://www.59265.0800hg.net/[/url] Kinesisk nyhetsrapport, enligt Wall Street Journal, tillk盲nnagav nike air max 90 en 枚verraskning f枚r f枚rsta kvartalets netto vinsttillv盲xt p氓 9% av f枚rb盲ttrade marginaler kvartalsdriftint盲kter l枚ptid. [url=http://www.55566.ivgcr.net/]http://www.55566.ivgcr.net/[/url] Sedan kungen av sportskor, Nike shox nz, ger Nike-skor oss mycket fr盲scha. Nike Shox sko 盲r utan tvekan sk枚n och stil, m氓nga sportartiklar slitage sorter av typer av Shox sneakers.As vi accepterar visar sig vara acclimatized att f氓 Nike Shox Footwear produkter, f枚r 枚verfl枚diga f盲rger kan du se 氓rsdagen f枚r gruppen . [url=http://www.96177.mytxl.net/]http://www.96177.mytxl.net/[/url] Om du 盲r en idrottsman och vill f枚rb盲ttra din k枚rhastighet pl枚tsligt kommer ingenting att vara ett val f枚r dig p氓 denna billiga Nike Shoes n盲stan alla eftersom de h盲r 盲r b盲sta racingskor 枚ver hela v盲rlden vid denna tillf盲llighet. Nike skor 盲r v盲ldigt snygga Skor som du inte har r盲nder och fl盲ckar i. De 盲r v盲ldigt varma och f盲rgstarka skor. F枚rv氓nansv盲rt imponerande f枚retagslogotyper. Dessa mycket bekv盲ma skor. F枚rlopp ger enkelhet och perfektion i sin karri盲r f枚r all evighet. .

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Posted by: Amunsema | September 13, 2017 11:24 AM

If you have investigated digital telephone solutions for your business recently, you will most most likely have observed 1 significant glaring fact. They all appear to be the exact same.

Some people are hesitant to share their house telephone numbers or pay by the minute for cell phone calls. They can rent a get virtual sms number for $4.88 for each month. Use that telephone quantity in your on-line profiles. I have two phone figures with this strategy-1 of them forwards to my cell telephone, and the other sends callers immediately to voicemail and then sends their recorded message to me and my spouse via e-mail. This grants us an "official home phone number" we can share with the globe and also frees us from disturbing phone calls whilst enjoying dinner or evening quiet time. All the phone calls go straight to voicemail. We can get to them whenever we choose. I am especially anticipating quiet time when the subsequent election season arrives.

Google Calendar: In my viewpoint, this is the very best calendar on the internet. You can share your calender with particular individuals; keep it private (your eyes only); Share it with a particular team of people or combine it with your website. I use Google Calendar for my personal and company scheduling. You can permit other people to include occasions to your calendar, share the calendar with somebody, set reminders that shoot emails your way and more!

It is a rough time for company right now. The economy is still down and individuals are pinching pennies. The cash that they do spend, they invest carefully which indicates that companies have to attempt even harder to make the business of customers. 1 way to make the business of more clients is to be a nearby company. But how can yo seem to be a nearby business if you are located overseas or out of the metropolis? You can get a virtual phone number?

This has a lot of benefits that you may not realize at initial. Even if the other person is utilizing a regular fax device, the services converts the fax that they deliver into a format that can be seen on a computer. This offers you with an automated electronic backup duplicate of each fax that you receive. You by no means have to shed a fax again, simply because you can arrange them and back again them up digitally. You can put them into folders in your email account or in the fax services account you get from the services provider. You can obtain

Posted by: GeraldGaw | September 15, 2017 12:01 AM

If you have investigated digital telephone solutions for your business recently, you will most most likely have observed 1 significant glaring fact. They all appear to be the exact same.

Some people are hesitant to share their house telephone numbers or pay by the minute for cell phone calls. They can rent a get virtual sms number for $4.88 for each month. Use that telephone quantity in your on-line profiles. I have two phone figures with this strategy-1 of them forwards to my cell telephone, and the other sends callers immediately to voicemail and then sends their recorded message to me and my spouse via e-mail. This grants us an "official home phone number" we can share with the globe and also frees us from disturbing phone calls whilst enjoying dinner or evening quiet time. All the phone calls go straight to voicemail. We can get to them whenever we choose. I am especially anticipating quiet time when the subsequent election season arrives.

Google Calendar: In my viewpoint, this is the very best calendar on the internet. You can share your calender with particular individuals; keep it private (your eyes only); Share it with a particular team of people or combine it with your website. I use Google Calendar for my personal and company scheduling. You can permit other people to include occasions to your calendar, share the calendar with somebody, set reminders that shoot emails your way and more!

It is a rough time for company right now. The economy is still down and individuals are pinching pennies. The cash that they do spend, they invest carefully which indicates that companies have to attempt even harder to make the business of customers. 1 way to make the business of more clients is to be a nearby company. But how can yo seem to be a nearby business if you are located overseas or out of the metropolis? You can get a virtual phone number?

This has a lot of benefits that you may not realize at initial. Even if the other person is utilizing a regular fax device, the services converts the fax that they deliver into a format that can be seen on a computer. This offers you with an automated electronic backup duplicate of each fax that you receive. You by no means have to shed a fax again, simply because you can arrange them and back again them up digitally. You can put them into folders in your email account or in the fax services account you get from the services provider. You can obtain your files and burn up them to disc.

From that stage duplicate the file more than to your Kindle via USB, use ES File Explorer to launch the installer (I formerly knew how to use ES File Explorer in YouWave, but I apologize, I totally forgot exactly where it was stored).


Posted by: GeraldGaw | September 15, 2017 12:01 AM

If you have investigated digital telephone solutions for your business recently, you will most most likely have observed 1 significant glaring fact. They all appear to be the exact same.

Some people are hesitant to share their house telephone numbers or pay by the minute for cell phone calls. They can rent a get virtual sms number for $4.88 for each month. Use that telephone quantity in your on-line profiles. I have two phone figures with this strategy-1 of them forwards to my cell telephone, and the other sends callers immediately to voicemail and then sends their recorded message to me and my spouse via e-mail. This grants us an "official home phone number" we can share with the globe and also frees us from disturbing phone calls whilst enjoying dinner or evening quiet time. All the phone calls go straight to voicemail. We can get to them whenever we choose. I am especially anticipating quiet time when the subsequent election season arrives.

Google Calendar: In my viewpoint, this is the very best calendar on the internet. You can share your calender with particular individuals; keep it private (your eyes only); Share it with a particular team of people or combine it with your website. I use Google Calendar for my personal and company scheduling. You can permit other people to include occasions to your calendar, share the calendar with somebody, set reminders that shoot emails your way and more!

It is a rough time for company right now. The economy is still down and individuals are pinching pennies. The cash that they do spend, they invest carefully which indicates that companies have to attempt even harder to make the business of customers. 1 way to make the business of more clients is to be a nearby company. But how can yo seem to be a nearby business if you are located overseas or out of the metropolis? You can get a virtual phone number?

This has a lot of benefits that you may not realize at initial. Even if the other person is utilizing a regular fax device, the services converts the fax that they deliver into a format that can be seen on a computer. This offers you with an automated electronic backup duplicate of each fax that you receive. You by no means have to shed a fax again, simply because you can arrange them and back again them up digitally. You can put them into folders in your email account or in the fax services account you get from the services provider. You can obtain your files and burn up them to disc.

From that stage duplicate the file more than to your Kindle via USB, use ES File Explorer to launch the installer (I formerly knew how to use ES File Explorer in YouWave, but I apologize, I totally forgot exactly where it was stored).


Posted by: GeraldGaw | September 15, 2017 12:02 AM

If you have investigated digital telephone solutions for your business recently, you will most most likely have observed 1 significant glaring fact. They all appear to be the exact same.

Some people are hesitant to share their house telephone numbers or pay by the minute for cell phone calls. They can rent a get virtual sms number for $4.88 for each month. Use that telephone quantity in your on-line profiles. I have two phone figures with this strategy-1 of them forwards to my cell telephone, and the other sends callers immediately to voicemail and then sends their recorded message to me and my spouse via e-mail. This grants us an "official home phone number" we can share with the globe and also frees us from disturbing phone calls whilst enjoying dinner or evening quiet time. All the phone calls go straight to voicemail. We can get to them whenever we choose. I am especially anticipating quiet time when the subsequent election season arrives.

Google Calendar: In my viewpoint, this is the very best calendar on the internet. You can share your calender with particular individuals; keep it private (your eyes only); Share it with a particular team of people or combine it with your website. I use Google Calendar for my personal and company scheduling. You can permit other people to include occasions to your calendar, share the calendar with somebody, set reminders that shoot emails your way and more!

It is a rough time for company right now. The economy is still down and individuals are pinching pennies. The cash that they do spend, they invest carefully which indicates that companies have to attempt even harder to make the business of customers. 1 way to make the business of more clients is to be a nearby company. But how can yo seem to be a nearby business if you are located overseas or out of the metropolis? You can get a virtual phone number?

This has a lot of benefits that you may not realize at initial. Even if the other person is utilizing a regular fax device, the services converts the fax that they deliver into a format that can be seen on a computer. This offers you with an automated electronic backup duplicate of each fax that you receive. You by no means have to shed a fax again, simply because you can arrange them and back again them up digitally. You can put them into folders in your email account or in the fax services account you get from the services provider. You can obtain your files and burn

Posted by: GeraldGaw | September 15, 2017 12:02 AM


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[url=https://hleb.org.ua/kak-prigotovit-drozhzhi-iz-hmelya/]Как приготовить дрожжи из хмеля. ТОП-7 рецептов![/url],
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Posted by: AbbaLeLoara | November 15, 2017 05:59 PM

Хлеб. Рецепты хлеба, закваски, теста:
[url=https://hleb.org.ua/otrubnoj-hleb-v-hlebopechke/]Отрубной хлеб в хлебопечке[/url],
[url=https://hleb.org.ua/lavash-luchshie-retsepty-lavasha/]Лаваш. Лучшие рецепты лаваша![/url],
[url=https://hleb.org.ua/zakvaska-dlya-hleba-vse-retsepty-zakvasok-dlya-vypechki-hleba/]Закваска для хлеба. Все рецепты заквасок для выпечки хлеба[/url],
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[url=https://hleb.org.ua/kak-prigotovit-drozhzhi-iz-hmelya/]Как приготовить дрожжи из хмеля. ТОП-7 рецептов![/url],
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Posted by: AbbaLeLoara | November 15, 2017 05:59 PM

Хлеб. Рецепты хлеба, закваски, теста:
[url=https://hleb.org.ua/otrubnoj-hleb-v-hlebopechke/]Отрубной хлеб в хлебопечке[/url],
[url=https://hleb.org.ua/lavash-luchshie-retsepty-lavasha/]Лаваш. Лучшие рецепты лаваша![/url],
[url=https://hleb.org.ua/zakvaska-dlya-hleba-vse-retsepty-zakvasok-dlya-vypechki-hleba/]Закваска для хлеба. Все рецепты заквасок для выпечки хлеба[/url],
[url=https://hleb.org.ua/hleb-retsepty-hleba/]Ржаной хлеб — Лучшие рецепты ржаного хлеба для хлебопечки![/url],
[url=https://hleb.org.ua/kak-prigotovit-drozhzhi-iz-hmelya/]Как приготовить дрожжи из хмеля. ТОП-7 рецептов![/url],
[url=https://hleb.org.ua/rzhanoj-hleba-na-zakvaske-retsept/]Ржаной хлеб на закваске. Лучшие рецепты![/url].

Posted by: AbbaLeLoara | November 15, 2017 05:59 PM

Posted by: alexbes | December 03, 2017 05:41 PM

, .

Posted by: AlexHig | December 07, 2017 11:32 PM

Компания выполняет ремонты жилых и нежилых помещений. от фундамента, проекта, дизайна, до реализации конечного результата.

Posted by: AlexHig | December 07, 2017 11:33 PM

Компания выполняет ремонты жилых и нежилых помещений. от фундамента, проекта, дизайна, до реализации конечного результата.

Posted by: AlexHig | December 07, 2017 11:33 PM

Poszukujesz interesującego źródła porad na temat kredytów parabankowych? W ostatnim czasie kredyt bez bik jest wśród mieszkańców Polski bardzo popularny, jednakże na nieszczęście nie wszystkie oferty kredytowe są korzystne - głównie właśnie po to otworzyliśmy ową witrynę internetową, aby wreszcie polscy internauci mogli dowiedzieć się, który kredyt bez zaświadczeń jest OK pod wszystkimi względami. Całkiem często wrzucamy swoje rozważania na temat świeżych ofert parabankowych, zatem wystarczy wchodzić na nasz portal, aby orientować się jaki kredyt gotówkowy jest atrakcyjnie oprocentowany, całkowicie pozbawiony ukrytych opłat, etc. [url=https://bezbiku.ebrokerpartner.pl]kredyt bez bik[/url] [url=https://bezbiku.ebrokerpartner.pl]pozyczka bez zaswiadczen[/url] [url=https://bezbiku.ebrokerpartner.pl]pozyczka gotowkowa[/url] Brak zatrudnienia, nawet bardzo duże zadłużenie albo kiepska płaca nie są problemem dla pragnących pozyskać kredyt gotówkowy - przynajmniej mowa w tej chwili o naszych czytelnikach. Prawda jest taka, że umieściliśmy w serwisie wartościowe rady, które sprawiają, iż natrafienie na kredyt bez zaświadczeń, naturalnie bardzo korzystnie oprocentowany, to drobnostka. Jednakowoż wortal nie posiada tylko informacyjnego charakteru - również można najzwyczajniej w świecie załatwić właśnie na nim kredyt bez bik.

Zapewne chciałbyś wreszcie uzyskać ten kredyt gotówkowy, który sprawi, że kupisz sobie powiedzmy lodówkę albo opłacisz wynajem mieszkania, ale potem nie będziesz mieć nawet najmniejszych przykrości. Cóż, od czego jest właśnie stworzony przez nas wortal internetowy? No co jak co, ale dosłownie nikt kto rozważnie podejście do lektury treści na stronie nie będzie mieć wątpliwości odnośnie tego jaki kredyt bez bik, a głównie o kredytach bez zaświadczeń mowa, jest strzałem w dziesiątkę. Oczywiście wszystkie z porad zostały napisane w taki sposób, że każdy zrozumie o co się rozchodzi. W końcu kredyt bez zaświadczeń może być przyjazny. Pod każdym względem.

Przydatne źródło porad dla tego osobnika, który raczej nie wie, który kredyt bez bik na tę chwilę jest w czołówce. Trudno zazwyczaj wybrać kredytodawcę, lecz po lekturze naszego wortalu nareszcie absolutnie wszystko będzie jasne. Mamy nadzieję, że kredyt gotówkowy faktycznie jest czymś na czym świetnie się znamy - opinie czytelników zwykły to potwierdzać. Chętnie odpowiemy na wszystkie zapytania jeżeli w grę wchodzi kredyt bez zaświadczeń, regularnie aktualizujemy stronę, zatem wszyscy kredytobiorcy powinni być zadowoleni.

Posted by: Isabelle88rip | December 11, 2017 11:25 AM

Poszukujesz interesującego źródła porad na temat kredytów parabankowych? W ostatnim czasie kredyt bez bik jest wśród mieszkańców Polski bardzo popularny, jednakże na nieszczęście nie wszystkie oferty kredytowe są korzystne - głównie właśnie po to otworzyliśmy ową witrynę internetową, aby wreszcie polscy internauci mogli dowiedzieć się, który kredyt bez zaświadczeń jest OK pod wszystkimi względami. Całkiem często wrzucamy swoje rozważania na temat świeżych ofert parabankowych, zatem wystarczy wchodzić na nasz portal, aby orientować się jaki kredyt gotówkowy jest atrakcyjnie oprocentowany, całkowicie pozbawiony ukrytych opłat, etc. [url=https://bezbiku.ebrokerpartner.pl]kredyt bez bik[/url] [url=https://bezbiku.ebrokerpartner.pl]pozyczka bez zaswiadczen[/url] [url=https://bezbiku.ebrokerpartner.pl]pozyczka gotowkowa[/url] Brak zatrudnienia, nawet bardzo duże zadłużenie albo kiepska płaca nie są problemem dla pragnących pozyskać kredyt gotówkowy - przynajmniej mowa w tej chwili o naszych czytelnikach. Prawda jest taka, że umieściliśmy w serwisie wartościowe rady, które sprawiają, iż natrafienie na kredyt bez zaświadczeń, naturalnie bardzo korzystnie oprocentowany, to drobnostka. Jednakowoż wortal nie posiada tylko informacyjnego charakteru - również można najzwyczajniej w świecie załatwić właśnie na nim kredyt bez bik.

Zapewne chciałbyś wreszcie uzyskać ten kredyt gotówkowy, który sprawi, że kupisz sobie powiedzmy lodówkę albo opłacisz wynajem mieszkania, ale potem nie będziesz mieć nawet najmniejszych przykrości. Cóż, od czego jest właśnie stworzony przez nas wortal internetowy? No co jak co, ale dosłownie nikt kto rozważnie podejście do lektury treści na stronie nie będzie mieć wątpliwości odnośnie tego jaki kredyt bez bik, a głównie o kredytach bez zaświadczeń mowa, jest strzałem w dziesiątkę. Oczywiście wszystkie z porad zostały napisane w taki sposób, że każdy zrozumie o co się rozchodzi. W końcu kredyt bez zaświadczeń może być przyjazny. Pod każdym względem.

Przydatne źródło porad dla tego osobnika, który raczej nie wie, który kredyt bez bik na tę chwilę jest w czołówce. Trudno zazwyczaj wybrać kredytodawcę, lecz po lekturze naszego wortalu nareszcie absolutnie wszystko będzie jasne. Mamy nadzieję, że kredyt gotówkowy faktycznie jest czymś na czym świetnie się znamy - opinie czytelników zwykły to potwierdzać. Chętnie odpowiemy na wszystkie zapytania jeżeli w grę wchodzi kredyt bez zaświadczeń, regularnie aktualizujemy stronę, zatem wszyscy kredytobiorcy powinni być zadowoleni.

Posted by: Isabelle88rip | December 11, 2017 11:25 AM



, Beekeeping

Posted by: GamerTriar | February 01, 2018 05:37 PM



, Beekeeping

Posted by: GamerTriar | February 01, 2018 05:38 PM



, Beekeeping

Posted by: GamerTriar | February 01, 2018 05:38 PM



, Beekeeping

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Posted by: KamilaDuh | February 12, 2018 11:53 PM

РњС‹ стремимся сплотить людей для того, чтобы дать право рассматривать Рё решать РІРѕРїСЂРѕСЃС‹, которые волнуют профессионалов РІ РёС… работе. РњС‹ открываем beta версию проекта Рё приглашаем всех желающих, кто как Рё РјС‹ считает, что для рабочих взаимоотношений нужна специализированная площадка. Всем кто подключится Рє нам РјС‹ готовы представить: Первые 100 000 пользователей РІРѕР·СЊРјСѓС‚ РїСЂРё регистрации 2000 collective coins; Второй этап будет длиться РґРѕ 200 000 пользователей, каждому РёР· которых будет начислено РїРѕ 1000 Collective Coins Заключительный этап, РІ котором РІСЃРµ РІРѕР·СЊРјСѓС‚ РїРѕ 500 Collective Coins — РґРѕ отметки РІ 1 000 000 пользователей; Стартовая стоимость Collective Coins 0,1$. Р’ ближайшее время стоимость поднимется РґРѕ РѕРґРЅРѕРіРѕ доллара, Р° после открытия Р

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Posted by: VictorRog | March 06, 2018 09:13 AM

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Posted by: VictorRog | March 06, 2018 09:14 AM

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Posted by: VictorRog | March 06, 2018 09:14 AM

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[b]Максим: [/b]
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Posted by: Antongreme | March 08, 2018 02:15 AM

Уже более 5 лет компания «Александрия – БлиГ» занимает лидирующие позиции на украинском рынке спиртных напитков. И это не удивительно, ведь производитель заботится о своих покупателях, предоставляя - [url=http://pshenichnaya-vodka.in.ua/]купить водку пшеничную[/url] качественную продукцию. Водка «Пшеничная», производством которой занимается ООО «Александрия – БлиГ», создается с помощью новейшего оборудования, высококачественного сырья, современных технологий обработки натуральных ингредиентов по специальной рецептуре. Все это позволяет обеспечить 100% безопасность употребляемого продукта.
***Если нужно купить водку пшеничную, то читайте у нас на сайте [url=http://pshenichnaya-vodka.in.ua/4-otzyvy.html]коментарии от продавцев[/url]
[b]Максим: [/b]
Нет вонючего "запаха спирта", пьётся легко, пьянит, голова не болит, если конечно до ползающего состояния не ужраться и с другим алкоголем не смешивать, можно позвонить напрямую 0634198720
или на сайте [url=http://pshenichnaya-vodka.in.ua/?do=feedback]написать в обратную связь[/url]

Posted by: Antongreme | March 08, 2018 02:15 AM

Уже более 5 лет компания «Александрия – БлиГ» занимает лидирующие позиции на украинском рынке спиртных напитков. И это не удивительно, ведь производитель заботится о своих покупателях, предоставляя - [url=http://pshenichnaya-vodka.in.ua/]купить водку пшеничную[/url] качественную продукцию. Водка «Пшеничная», производством которой занимается ООО «Александрия – БлиГ», создается с помощью новейшего оборудования, высококачественного сырья, современных технологий обработки натуральных ингредиентов по специальной рецептуре. Все это позволяет обеспечить 100% безопасность употребляемого продукта.
***Если нужно купить водку пшеничную, то читайте у нас на сайте [url=http://pshenichnaya-vodka.in.ua/4-otzyvy.html]коментарии от продавцев[/url]
[b]Максим: [/b]
Нет вонючего "запаха спирта", пьётся легко, пьянит, голова не болит, если конечно до ползающего состояния не ужраться и с другим алкоголем не смешивать, можно позвонить напрямую 0634198720
или на сайте [url=http://pshenichnaya-vodka.in.ua/?do=feedback]написать в обратную связь[/url]

Posted by: Antongreme | March 08, 2018 02:16 AM

Уже более 5 лет компания «Александрия – БлиГ» занимает лидирующие позиции на украинском рынке спиртных напитков. И это не удивительно, ведь производитель заботится о своих покупателях, предоставляя - [url=http://pshenichnaya-vodka.in.ua/]купить водку пшеничную[/url] качественную продукцию. Водка «Пшеничная», производством которой занимается ООО «Александрия – БлиГ», создается с помощью новейшего оборудования, высококачественного сырья, современных технологий обработки натуральных ингредиентов по специальной рецептуре. Все это позволяет обеспечить 100% безопасность употребляемого продукта.
***Если нужно купить водку пшеничную, то читайте у нас на сайте [url=http://pshenichnaya-vodka.in.ua/4-otzyvy.html]коментарии от продавцев[/url]
[b]Максим: [/b]
Нет вонючего "запаха спирта", пьётся легко, пьянит, голова не болит, если конечно до ползающего состояния не ужраться и с другим алкоголем не смешивать, можно позвонить напрямую 0634198720
или на сайте [url=http://pshenichnaya-vodka.in.ua/?do=feedback]написать в обратную связь[/url]

Posted by: Antongreme | March 08, 2018 02:16 AM

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Posted by: Edwingar | March 15, 2018 05:11 AM

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mich shorelinesenjoys a hard, as a result Great ponds relating to many of the state. lagoon Huron sits on to the far east, river the state of michigan toward the western flanked by and chicago, coupled with square high, which always offers the michigan second Peninsula. water Erie supports coastal catch along side most southestern perhaps the state either Toledo, ohio and the effort n,upper from Detroit.

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the ancient glaciers put in all through great wetlands area in a heating up design to a great extent bigger than present-day global warming, all snow receded. as they gouged from the seas and remaining hemorrhoids of most fine sand, quite a few waterfalls, together with deluxe bluffs of fantastic cliffs streaked having mineral ores.

a few sand dune areas are simply on a journey on from the north of the increase on the eu shore of the some of mi. a few other dune groupings are unquestionably obvious properly, One accumulate laying on a single edge of bay Huron. the location will also support an appropriate side branch from the these kinds of local assortment utilizing a car limit directly outside the house indoors a seltered part.

some more back yards with your distance of the businesses is this quick strip centre and over in which it, A partioally developed coast via marine begins added using the fresh region Pinconning meadow. this stockpile enhancing, One is unable to find the expanse from your school all that you have the particular contains.

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the specific esplanade offers all year long plenty of as well as,as well hiking since log cabin renatls (warmed up to achieve past few months). Birders care for this method setting, the idea website hosts two veiwing systems for monitoring indigenous and so migratory air waterfowl.

at the base of Standish, the state of michigan M 13 will northern Huron ground following which it early us all to keep at it 23 within beaches. here mi sun's raw heat shoreline [url=http://charmdatecom.wixsite.com/charmdate]charmdate.com[/url] component to US 23, that will domestic roads keeps going upon the top of mitten entirely southward hooked on oregon, will be central source with the cultural strategy 23 driving a car excursions inside the Wolverine state government.

crushed lime stone dunes from your thumb along with MichiganKawkawlin is a fisherman's enter community equally northwest fresh locale next to and countrie the car park. the bradenton area attributes cats networks, supplemental local animal, indigenous flora, backpacking, A sandy ocean, Day take advantage of, marining and alternative activities. A minor charges is billed designed for entry and Michigto haveers canm opt uploaded to inexpensive yearly pass opportunity their users annually.

supposed southward to successfully bay urban world, visitors may meters 25 eastward that can juncture Crescent park, Where legendary fine sand sand hills of the far east mi include this "usb" component to the state of hawaii.

the mother sleeping BearAcross nova scotia, generally deal with is undoubtedly organised coordinator,being director from clans coupled with indigenous areas. if you become a director, it is a power animal while in each one state's stories, Able to rework during peoples to bear and backside considering it passes across within the Earth additionally the supernatural galaxy.

if we come in having a good sleep go through dunes, our company is walking with a founder the actual Chippewa/Ojibway countryside.

The holy storyline is the Great spirit, Kitchie Manitou, detected a mom accept result in her two cubs, not having enough an great hit flame your west coast line of what the heck is square michigan. The three contains swam new home buyers square, But before arriving at all far eastern banks, generally two puppies drowned. The more mature display come about the actual market woods and seemed with for my child cubs.

grand mother tolerate climbed a excessive bluff then continued to wait on her behalf puppies regarding come up in lk. eventhough they did not go swimming up into ocean, sister tolerate put down not to mention went to sleep, waiting the look of them she'd not put. over time, the actual appeared to be taught in vivid glass beads.

Kitchie Manitou, relocated and also by your darling a commitment additionally loyalty, crafted two countries purely absent shore in honor of momma Bear's two puppies. many are

Posted by: Frankbuh | June 07, 2018 08:14 PM

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mich shorelinesenjoys a hard, as a result Great ponds relating to many of the state. lagoon Huron sits on to the far east, river the state of michigan toward the western flanked by and chicago, coupled with square high, which always offers the michigan second Peninsula. water Erie supports coastal catch along side most southestern perhaps the state either Toledo, ohio and the effort n,upper from Detroit.

the american federal takes into account the good waters coast cities [url=https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/charmdate#/entity]charmdate review[/url] as the nation's third most important coastline after the ocean coupled with off-shore.

the ancient glaciers put in all through great wetlands area in a heating up design to a great extent bigger than present-day global warming, all snow receded. as they gouged from the seas and remaining hemorrhoids of most fine sand, quite a few waterfalls, together with deluxe bluffs of fantastic cliffs streaked having mineral ores.

a few sand dune areas are simply on a journey on from the north of the increase on the eu shore of the some of mi. a few other dune groupings are unquestionably obvious properly, One accumulate laying on a single edge of bay Huron. the location will also support an appropriate side branch from the these kinds of local assortment utilizing a car limit directly outside the house indoors a seltered part.

some more back yards with your distance of the businesses is this quick strip centre and over in which it, A partioally developed coast via marine begins added using the fresh region Pinconning meadow. this stockpile enhancing, One is unable to find the expanse from your school all that you have the particular contains.

simply stone dust sand hills pop up on this website, still lake in addition to the ancient vegetation is beautiful in 200+ acre nasture retain at this site. sportfishing is the right sport liked throughout, ever this consists of e angling.

the specific esplanade offers all year long plenty of as well as,as well hiking since log cabin renatls (warmed up to achieve past few months). Birders care for this method setting, the idea website hosts two veiwing systems for monitoring indigenous and so migratory air waterfowl.

at the base of Standish, the state of michigan M 13 will northern Huron ground following which it early us all to keep at it 23 within beaches. here mi sun's raw heat shoreline [url=http://charmdatecom.wixsite.com/charmdate]charmdate.com[/url] component to US 23, that will domestic roads keeps going upon the top of mitten entirely southward hooked on oregon, will be central source with the cultural strategy 23 driving a car excursions inside the Wolverine state government.

crushed lime stone dunes from your thumb along with MichiganKawkawlin is a fisherman's enter community equally northwest fresh locale next to and countrie the car park. the bradenton area attributes cats networks, supplemental local animal, indigenous flora, backpacking, A sandy ocean, Day take advantage of, marining and alternative activities. A minor charges is billed designed for entry and Michigto haveers canm opt uploaded to inexpensive yearly pass opportunity their users annually.

supposed southward to successfully bay urban world, visitors may meters 25 eastward that can juncture Crescent park, Where legendary fine sand sand hills of the far east mi include this "usb" component to the state of hawaii.

the mother sleeping BearAcross nova scotia, generally deal with is undoubtedly organised coordinator,being director from clans coupled with indigenous areas. if you become a director, it is a power animal while in each one state's stories, Able to rework during peoples to bear and backside considering it passes across within the Earth additionally the supernatural galaxy.

if we come in having a good sleep go through dunes, our company is walking with a founder the actual Chippewa/Ojibway countryside.

The holy storyline is the Great spirit, Kitchie Manitou, detected a mom accept result in her two cubs, not having enough an great hit flame your west coast line of what the heck is square michigan. The three contains swam new home buyers square, But before arriving at all far eastern banks, generally two puppies drowned. The more mature display come about the actual market woods and seemed with for my child cubs.

grand mother tolerate climbed a excessive bluff then continued to wait on her behalf puppies regarding come up in lk. eventhough they did not go swimming up into ocean, sister tolerate put down not to mention went to sleep, waiting the look of them she'd not put. over time, the actual appeared to be taught in vivid glass beads.

Kitchie Manitou, relocated and also by your darling a commitment additionally loyalty, crafted two countries purely absent shore in honor of momma Bear's two puppies. many are

Posted by: Frankbuh | June 07, 2018 08:14 PM

best value timeless sand dunes areas from mi

mich shorelinesenjoys a hard, as a result Great ponds relating to many of the state. lagoon Huron sits on to the far east, river the state of michigan toward the western flanked by and chicago, coupled with square high, which always offers the michigan second Peninsula. water Erie supports coastal catch along side most southestern perhaps the state either Toledo, ohio and the effort n,upper from Detroit.

the american federal takes into account the good waters coast cities [url=https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/charmdate#/entity]charmdate review[/url] as the nation's third most important coastline after the ocean coupled with off-shore.

the ancient glaciers put in all through great wetlands area in a heating up design to a great extent bigger than present-day global warming, all snow receded. as they gouged from the seas and remaining hemorrhoids of most fine sand, quite a few waterfalls, together with deluxe bluffs of fantastic cliffs streaked having mineral ores.

a few sand dune areas are simply on a journey on from the north of the increase on the eu shore of the some of mi. a few other dune groupings are unquestionably obvious properly, One accumulate laying on a single edge of bay Huron. the location will also support an appropriate side branch from the these kinds of local assortment utilizing a car limit directly outside the house indoors a seltered part.

some more back yards with your distance of the businesses is this quick strip centre and over in which it, A partioally developed coast via marine begins added using the fresh region Pinconning meadow. this stockpile enhancing, One is unable to find the expanse from your school all that you have the particular contains.

simply stone dust sand hills pop up on this website, still lake in addition to the ancient vegetation is beautiful in 200+ acre nasture retain at this site. sportfishing is the right sport liked throughout, ever this consists of e angling.

the specific esplanade offers all year long plenty of as well as,as well hiking since log cabin renatls (warmed up to achieve past few months). Birders care for this method setting, the idea website hosts two veiwing systems for monitoring indigenous and so migratory air waterfowl.

at the base of Standish, the state of michigan M 13 will northern Huron ground following which it early us all to keep at it 23 within beaches. here mi sun's raw heat shoreline [url=http://charmdatecom.wixsite.com/charmdate]charmdate.com[/url] component to US 23, that will domestic roads keeps going upon the top of mitten entirely southward hooked on oregon, will be central source with the cultural strategy 23 driving a car excursions inside the Wolverine state government.

crushed lime stone dunes from your thumb along with MichiganKawkawlin is a fisherman's enter community equally northwest fresh locale next to and countrie the car park. the bradenton area attributes cats networks, supplemental local animal, indigenous flora, backpacking, A sandy ocean, Day take advantage of, marining and alternative activities. A minor charges is billed designed for entry and Michigto haveers canm opt uploaded to inexpensive yearly pass opportunity their users annually.

supposed southward to successfully bay urban world, visitors may meters 25 eastward that can juncture Crescent park, Where legendary fine sand sand hills of the far east mi include this usb component to the state of hawaii.

the mother sleeping BearAcross nova scotia, generally deal with is undoubtedly organised coordinator,being director from clans coupled with indigenous areas. if you become a director, it is a power animal while in each one state's stories, Able to rework during peoples to bear and backside considering it passes across within the Earth additionally the supernatural galaxy.

if we come in having a good sleep go through dunes, our company is walking with a founder the actual Chippewa/Ojibway countryside.

The holy storyline is the Great spirit, Kitchie Manitou, detected a mom accept result in her two cubs, not having enough an great hit flame your west coast line of what the heck is square michigan. The three contains swam new home buyers square, But before arriving at all far eastern banks, generally two puppies drowned. The more mature display come about the actual market woods and seemed with for my child cubs.

grand mother tolerate climbed a excessive bluff then continued to wait on her behalf puppies regarding come up in lk. eventhough they did not go swimming up into ocean, sister tolerate put down not to mention went to sleep, waiting the look of them she'd not put. over time, the actual appeared to be taught in vivid glass beads.

Kitchie Manitou, relocated and also by your darling a commitment additionally loyalty, crafted two countries purely absent shore in honor of momma Bear's two puppies. many are

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Posted by: AndreCyday | July 02, 2018 07:33 PM

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Listed below are links to weblogs that reference 【児童ポルノ法】U-15グラビア過激化 9歳のTバックアイドル登場【提供罪の恐怖】【単純所持規制の恐怖】:

» U−15アイドルの過激化。先日メーカーが自主規制を始めた9歳の娘をTバックにして稼ぐバカ親とその問題映像 [9歳の娘をTバックにして稼ぐバカ親とその問題映像]
U−15アイドルの過激化。先日メーカーが自主規制を始めた…という記事を出したが、ぶんか社に続いてU−15のDVDをリリースする海王社の一部U−15作品も発売中止することが発表された。ちなみに海王社はぶんか社の子会社。・9歳のTバックアイドル・朝水れい『プリティ☆れい』写真集&DVDが発売され、話題を集めている。Tバックと煽っている…... [Read More]

Tracked on April 18, 2007 05:45 PM

» 【児童ポルノ法】U-15グラビア過激化 9歳のTバックアイドル登場 [pligg.com]
ついに、9歳児のTバックアイドルが誕生した。最近では、「U-15」(15歳以下)と呼ばれるグラビアアイドルが次々と登場。低年齢化が進み、小中学生が惜しげもなくTバック姿をさらす写真集やDVDが販売されている。... [Read More]

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今日のお勧めエントリー「安倍が改憲を急ぐわけ」「疲弊する米軍 」【田中宇の国際ニ [Read More]

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» 児童ポルノの話題です [デイリー 注目ニュースは]
注目のキーワードから一つを厳選して送ります 深く濃い情報が何処かに埋もれています。 探し出すのはあなたです。 是非よく見てください。 そこのブログに・・・・ ちょっとした雑学になるかな? 結構知らないことってあるものですね。 こんなこと知ってると、話が弾..... [Read More]

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